Are you new to prayer and faith in entrepreneurship?

Then you may have encountered confusion on how to pray for your business and listen for God’s voice, and desperately wanted to ask other godly entrepreneurs how, but couldn’t bring yourself to raise your hand.

We get it. In being a believer in business, we all want to be guided by the Lord in our decision-making.

Today, you’re in luck because We’re going to show you everything you need to know about being a believer in business but are afraid to ask.

You’ll be ready for your first day of the biggest ROI you’ll ever make in business: surrender and prayer.

What is a Believer in Business?

We’re not here to bury the lead; in simple terms, a believer in business is an entrepreneur whose journey is guided by faith. It’s not just about making profits, it’s about building a venture that glorifies the One who creates and sustains.

A believer in business aims to rely on God’s plans for their business, strengthen their walk with the Lord, and trust that He will work all things together for their good and His glory.

They also emphasize integrity, compassion, service, and fostering a sense of purpose beyond mere financial gain.

Why is being a Believer in Business Important?

You will come across people in business who believe success is defined by the amount of followers they have and the sales they make.

While these things are a bonus, defining your wins by the world’s measure of success rather than what glorifies God is a dangerous game.

When you combine your faith with your professional life, you will begin to see the fruits of surrender and prayer in your ambitions. Your sense of purpose will soar.

On top of that, Jesus will shine through your business and into every person you touch.

How Being a Believer in Business Works

So far, we’ve stayed pretty theoretical in our exploration of being a believer in business, and if you’re still confused, We don’t blame you.

In fact, when we first started praying for our businesses, we felt like we didn’t even know what to pray about. Be comforted in the truth that your Heavenly Father knows exactly what you need before you even ask Him! (Matthew 6:7-8).

We are here to be your guide as you begin your journey.

We hope being a Believer in Business is crystal clear to you now.

We first launched Believers in Business because there was a lack of written prayers and a like-minded community for people like us.

Do you still have questions? No shame in that! You can contact us here or find us on Instagram, where we are always happy to answer any questions.

One thing you can do to get started with your journey is to join our 30-Day Prayer Journey.

Click here to join us now.

Graceful Ambitions: 30 Days of Prayer for Business Breakthrough

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