For business owners who are set apart

We were created in love, and we create from it

How would you move in business if you weren't reaction to the world around you?

In a world full of social media chatter, gurus, courses, and ever-changing trends, it can be exhausting to figure out what God is asking you to do in business. 

After many years, mistakes, and lessons, we learned the POWER of putting prayer and surrender first in business.  Our 30 day prayer guides were created to help you do just that with scripture, prayer, and a daily devotional. Your business isn't just yours - let's make room for God in it together.


& it starts with prayer.

Where ambition & grace collide

No matter what stage of business you are in, God has to be your foundation... Every believer knows that, right? But it often takes a TEST of your business foundation to see if you have built with or without God at the center. Challenges and tests will come, but a business built on God has a firm foundation (Matthew 7:24-27). This prayer guide and devotional will help you to build HIs way instead of your own. Your business deserves a firm foundation - let's build it together with Graceful Ambitions. 

the gateway guide a firm foundation in your business

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Your greatest strategy: Surrender

This is for the go-getters, dreamers, and leaders of our generation, so listen up. Saying you are following Jesus and actually following His teachings are two different things. It is easy to live a double life as a Christian business owner... Are you? What is the guiding light of your business? That trending strategy? Your business coach? Your fav YouTube guru? Or the Creator of the Universe? This 30 day prayer guide and devotional will check your heart, ground you in scripture, and change the way you lead your business. Surrender is KEY for the next level you are seeking - let's start with it together, shall we? 

the next level of trusting god with your business

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Balancing faith and business can be overwhelming…
But it doesn’t have to be.

Let's be the generation that changes that.