We believe The Lord is changing this generation and the generations to come through His daughters in the marketplace. We are on a mission to support every woman answering that call on their heart in transforming their mind, stirring up faith to believe deeper, and truly activating the power of God in their lives, homes, and businesses.
You are not the same as others, so why would you use the same business strategies? This thought was something we have discussed over the last two years of friendship while running their own businesses. Over the last year, God humbled us to step away from courses, hiring, masterminds and reminded us the BEST strategy you can bring to the table is simple: prayer. Every great movement of God has started with prayer and intercession - why do we not approach business in the same way? This led to the creation of our signature method, The Katartismos Approach. Everything you do in the Believers in Business world will follow this method in starting everything with prayer.
We don't mean to brag, but our emails? They are quite fun. Plus, when you sign up you get access to updates, reports and insights from us to our community on Friday mornings!
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